The Mishlei Podcast

Mishlei 12:27 - Too Lazy to Roast Your Catch

Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss Season 13 Episode 15

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Mishlei 12:27 - Too Lazy to Roast Your Catch

לֹא יַחֲרֹךְ רְמִיָּה צֵידוֹ, וְהוֹן אָדָם יָקָר חָרוּץ:

Length: 1 hour 21 minutes
Synopsis: Tonight (10/30/23), in our Monday Night Mishlei shiur, we tackled a pasuk which proved to be VERY difficult to read, given the variety of permutations. I was pleased and surprised that we were able to develop two distinct clusters of approaches, each of which had a couple of variations. Things got more difficult when we learned through the meforshim: the Rabbeinu Yonah (which I mistakenly labeled as Metzudas David), followed by the regular Metzudas David, followed by the Malbim. We ended up understanding our own approaches better than the meforshim. If anyone has any insights into what they meant, please let me know!
משלי יב:כד,כז
מצודת ציון/דוד
רבינו יונה
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