The Mishlei Podcast

Mishlei 13:17 - How to Select (or Be) an Agent

March 18, 2024 Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss Season 14 Episode 24
The Mishlei Podcast
Mishlei 13:17 - How to Select (or Be) an Agent
Show Notes

Mishlei 13:17 - How to Select (or Be) an Agent

מַלְאָךְ רָשָׁע יִפֹּל בְּרָע וְצִיר אֱמוּנִים מַרְפֵּא:

Length: 1 hour 36 minutes
Synopsis: Tonight (3/18/24), in our Monday Night Mishlei shiur, we learned a puzzling pasuk about a niche topic: agents. Like many pesukim, this one was cryptically worded, and the opposite halves didn't quite line up. That, of course, is where the ideas come from! We came up with several approaches ourselves and learned a couple from the meforshim. Now we all have a much better sense of what to look for in selecting (or being) an agent!
משלי יג:יז
תרגום רס"ג
מצודת ציון/דוד
מלבי"ם - ביאור הענין
רבינו יונה
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