The Mishlei Podcast
The Mishlei Podcast
Mishlei 14:2 - The Relationship Between "Uprightness" and Fear of Hashem (Part 1)
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Mishlei 14:2 - The Relationship Between "Uprightness" and Fear of Hashem (Part 1)
הוֹלֵךְ בְּיׇשְׁרוֹ יְרֵא י"י, וּנְלוֹז דְּרָכָיו בּוֹזֵהוּ:
Length: 46 minutes
Synopsis: This morning (9/13/23), in our morning Mishlei shiur, we began learning a pasuk which appeared to be filled with Mishleic jargon, but ended up being rather straightforward to analyze. We ended up with two beautiful ideas which happened to be somewhat contrary, and a third idea which we will attempt to develop more tomorrow before turning to the meforshim.
משלי יד:ב
מצודת ציון
The Torah Content for the month of Elul has been sponsored anonymously in loving memory of Henya bas Tzirel - a mother who cared deeply about her children's engagement with Judaism.
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