The Mishlei Podcast
The Mishlei Podcast
Mishlei 13:5 - The Tzadik's Attitude Towards Falsehood
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Mishlei 13:5 - The Tzadik's Attitude Towards Falsehood
דְּבַר שֶׁקֶר יִשְׂנָא צַדִּיק, וְרָשָׁע יַבְאִישׁ וְיַחְפִּיר:
Length: 1 hour 41 minutes
Synopsis: Tonight (12/11/23), in our Monday Night Mishlei shiur, we skipped the next pasuk we were slated to do (13:4) because I gave shiur on it back in June 2022. Instead, we learned the next pasuk, which was a doozy to translate (because of the multiple legitimate grammar variations). We developed several ideas of our own and then learned Rabbeinu Yonah's explanation.
For my shiur on Mishlei 13:4, click here.
משלי יג:ה
רבינו יונה
רש"י - בראשית כז:יט
The Torah Content for Chanukah has been sponsored by Malky M. with gratitude for introducing her to a new way of thinking and learning.
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