The Mishlei Podcast

Mishlei 14:34 - Mishlei on National Tzedakah and Chesed (Part 1)

Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss Season 15 Episode 13

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Mishlei 14:34 - Mishlei on National Tzedakah and Chesed (Part 1)

צְדָקָה תְרוֹמֵם גּוֹי וְחֶסֶד לְאֻמִּים חַטָּאת:

Length: 46 minutes
Synopsis: This morning (6/5/24), in our morning Mishlei shiur, we learned a pasuk about CHESED! Why is this such a big deal? Because FUN FACT: the term "tzedakah," "tzedek," and "tzadik" appear in Mishlei a total of 93 times, whereas the terms "chesed" and "chasid" appear only 12. In other words, it's not a typical Mishlei topic. With that at the back of our minds, we began analyzing today's pasuk, came up with some nice approaches, reviewed the Rambam's definitions of chesed and tzedakah, and concluding by reading a mystifying Rabbeinu Yonah. We'll begin tomorrow (בג"ה) with that Rabbeinu Yonah, followed by more meforshim.
משלי יד:לד
תרגום רס"ג
תרגום כתובים
רמב"ם - מורה הנבוכים ג:נג
מצודת דוד
רבינו יונה
The Torah content for this week has been sponsored by Judah and Naomi Dardik in honor of Rabbi Moskowitz's second yahrzeit and in appreciation for all those whose love of Torah and excitement for ideas shines in their teaching.
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If you would like to sponsor a day's or a week's worth of content, or if you are interested in enlisting my services as a teacher or tutor, you can reach me at rabbischneeweiss at gmail. Thank you to my listeners for listening, thank you to my readers for reading, and thank you to my supporters for supporting my efforts to make Torah ideas available and accessible to everyone.
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