The Mishlei Podcast

Mishlei 14:34 - Mishlei on National Tzedakah and Chesed (Part 2)

Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss Season 15 Episode 14

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Mishlei 14:34 - Mishlei on National Tzedakah and Chesed (Part 2)

צְדָקָה תְרוֹמֵם גּוֹי וְחֶסֶד לְאֻמִּים חַטָּאת:

Length: 46 minutes
Synopsis: This morning (6/6/24), in our morning Mishlei shiur, we began by reviewing and refining yesterday's approaches. We then spent the rest of shiur learning the main idea underlying the Ri Nachmias's approach. The overall thrust of the statements of Chazal he cited was that non-Jews are incapable of doing tzedakah and chesed lishmah. On the surface, this seems like a rather bigoted statement. But after we analyzed it, we recognized its truth and profundity and we even managed to develop a nice approach to our pasuk on that basis.
משלי יד:לד
רבינו יונה
ר"י נחמיאש
ירמיהו ט:כג (of course)
אבות ב:ג
The Torah content for this week has been sponsored by Judah and Naomi Dardik in honor of Rabbi Moskowitz's second yahrzeit and in appreciation for all those whose love of Torah and excitement for ideas shines in their teaching.
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