The Mishlei Podcast

Mishlei 15:5 - Holding Mussar in Contempt and With Cunning (Part 2)

Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss

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Mishlei 15:5 - Holding Mussar in Contempt and With Cunning (Part 2)

אֱוִיל יִנְאַץ מוּסַר אָבִיו וְשֹׁמֵר תּוֹכַחַת יַעְרִים:

Length: 47 minutes
Synopsis: This morning (10/10/24), in our morning Mishlei shiur, we reviewed yesterday's approaches, came up with one new approach, and then learned a TON of meforshim! We didn't fully get the main idea from each of these commentaries, but we definitely gained insight into our pasuk from different angles.
משלי טו:ה
מצודת דוד
רבינו יונה
מאירי - א:ח; טו:ה
ר' ששת בן יצחק
הואיל משה
The Torah content from Erev Rosh ha'Shanah through Yom ha'Kippurim has been sponsored by Aliza Feder in appreciation of Rabbi Schneeweiss and his Torah content. She wrote: "Our mother, Mindy Pincus, would have had much nachas knowing that her children and grandchildren are learning Torah from Rabbi Schneeweiss, who was a frequent Shabbos guest in her home." Thank you Aliza, and thank you Mindy!
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If you would like to sponsor a day's or a week's worth of content, or if you are interested in enlisting my services as a teacher or tutor, you can reach me at rabbischneeweiss at gmail. Thank you to my listeners for listening, thank you to my readers for reading, and thank you to my supporters for supporting my efforts to make Torah ideas available and accessible to everyone.
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